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Showing posts from August, 2024

No Man's Land

I've hated school my entire life. Great start, I know. I spent a huge chunk of my first few years of primary school crying, which irritated my teachers to no small extent. I hated being stuck at some unknown place surrounded by people I didn't know. When my teachers threatened to kick me out of the class, I only cried harder.  I eventually stopped crying, because it didn't help. But I'd come back from home, bring out the calendar, and cross out days. I kept counting down to the next weekend, the next holiday, the next big vacation. But these breaks were never enough. Sooner or later, they'd end, and I'd be forced to return to the cursed institution.  Every year, my report cards would feature comments from teachers regarding "keeping up the school spirit". I actually got a certificate for this once, too. When I went back home and showed it to my grandmother, she laughed, because everyone knew I had no school sprit worth celebrating.  I still don't l